Tuesday 27 February 2018

The 2018 Ann Marie Awards

The 2018 Ann Marie Awards at the EMSB Central Head Office on Fielding Avenue  was a splendid affair. This our traditional tongue-in-cheek version of the Academy Awards, held days before the Oscars. There was one serious piece of recognition: The Lifetime Achievement Award for Diane Longo.

You can see Brigida Sellato's magnificent PowerPoint Presentation with all of the nominees and some great special effects. Here is the link
Ann Marie Matheson and the winners.

Leslie Butt
Mel Pololos

Lucie Roy and Magdalena Sokol

Gil Abisdris

Pela Nickelotopoulos accepts on behalf of Evelyn Alfonsi.

The one and only Bruce Roberts.

Ann Watson, Diane Longo and Ann Marie Matheson.

Daniel Hogue

Benoit Duheme presents Ann Marie Matheson with Best Picture Award.